Chas & Chas Tea Co. is a family business situated in Tarragona, with a physical store in the commercial heart of the city, the Rambla Nova, 67.

tienda interior

Our main activity is the retail sale of high quality teas and accessories, with a focus on cast iron teapots. Under the infrastructure for a business of this kind, in 2008 we implemented our Online Store.

The main feature of our shop is the balance and extension in its tea list. The fact that it is a physical store of high turnover ensures freshness for constant renewal of all our products.

Our On Line customers, who can not access our physical store to check and test the aromas of our teas, can call us for review of any of our references. We´ll advise you gladly.

All  On Line orders are accompanied with a pair of samples of tea or Rooibos in the line of the products purchased. In this way the customer can try other flavorings for free, allowing you to expand your view of chances in a future purchase. Also, always have the possibility to visit our store and appreciate, in situ, our whole range of wonderful aromas. Why not?, Tarragona is a World Heritage Site. 

Chas & Chas Tea Co., en cumplimiento de la ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico (LSSI), le informa de los siguientes datos de titularidad del sitio web: 

  • Denominación social: Chas & Chas Tea Co.
  • CIF: 46031794p
  • Domicilio social: Rambla Nova, 67  - CP.43003 - Tarragona
  • Teléfono de contacto: 977 249 928
  • Correo electrónico:
  • Sitio web: